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The Internet Explodes!

Updated: Jan 14

Before Susan and I left Pensacola Beach, I sat down with Phil Thomas Katt and Ken Manning. I envisioned a team effort. Of course, this was way before trying to start a new band with Marty (which didn't work out because of my job) and well before my job closed its doors in Northwest Florida.

We decided to come up with a story based on Jake Spiro, a character Ken came up with and drew comic strips about. There was really great material there.

So, I asked him to work up a comic strip for the video having to do with a guy, chasing a girl. Turned out Ken had a lot of the material already, but was drawn very small. We had to scale everything up.

We clunked down some coin so he could could get supplies and start work. Clunked down some more coin to get the still images digitized. And then, we clunked down some more coin to get the video produced, with Phil directing.

All in all, it took about a half a year to get everything accomplished. And after a few missteps and false starts, we have this video.

The internet loves it! You should, too!

Introducing, Like I Du, on Uncharted Zone TV.

Love & Rockets,


CD's now for sale! Get 'em while they'e hot!

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